All about pair STL in c++ for competitive programming( initialization, traversal and methods/functions ) :

pair STL

Important Points:

  1. It is a simple utility container which consists of a single pair.
  2. A pair contains values (t1 and t2) which may be of different types.
  3. It provides a way to store two heterogeneous objects as a single unit.
  4. Keyword 'first' is used to refer to the first value (t1) and keyword 'second' is used to refer to the second value (t2) .
  5. A pair can be copied and can be compared with other pairs also.
  6. Remember to use the header file #include<utility> before using pair STL.

  map and pair:

  • map STL uses pair only to store (key, value) pairs in it. 
  • By default, first value (t1) is the key and the second value (t2) is the value associated with the key.



Different ways to initialize a pair STL

1. declaring a pair and using make_pair( ) to make a pair :  

    pair < int, string > p ;
    p = make_pair ( 10, "gamma" ) ;

2. using first and second keyword to make a pair:  

    pair < int, string > p ;
    p.first = 10 ;
    p.second = "gamma" ;
3. initializing during declaration only:  

    pair < int, string > p ( 10, "gamma" ) ;
4. Initializing from another pair:
    pair < int, string > p2 ( 10, "gamma" ) ;
    pair < int, string > p ( p2 ) ;
     p = p2 ; 

**don't worry about the methods / functions used above, i am going to explain each and every function associated with pair STL below.


All pair STL methods/ functions  

pair STL important functions:

1. make_pair( ) : used to make a pair.
2. swap( ) : used to exchange the content of two pairs of  same type.
3. operator " = " : used to copy the content of a pair into a new pair.
4. relational operators " = =, ! =, <, >, > =, < = " : used to compare two pairs. (Note: Comparing is done on the basis of key or first value i.e t1)
Other functions:
  •  tie( )
  •  get( )


List of all pair STL important functions with example 

1. Initializing pairs : pair < int, string > p1, p2 ;
2. Putting elements into them : 
     p1 = make_pair ( 10, "alpha" ) ;
     p2 = make_pair ( 90, "beta" ) ;
3. using relational operators to compare them :
    if( p1 = = p2 )
    cout << "p1 = p2" ;  
    if( p1 ! = p2 )
    cout << "p1 ! = p2" ;     //it will be printed 
    if( p1 < p2 )
    cout << "p1 < p2" ;     //it will be printed
    if( p1 > p2 )
    cout << "p1 > p2" ;
    if( p1 < = p2 )
    cout << "p1 < = p2" ;     //it will be printed 
    if( p1 > = p2 )
    cout << "p1 > = p2" ;        
4. using" = " operator :
    //declaring another pair p3
    pair < int, string > p3 ;
    p3 = p1 ;
    p3 = (10, "alpha")
5. swap(p1, p2)      // pair p1 and p2 swapped

pair STL traversal method 

Let our pair be p :
pair < int, string > p ;
cout << p.first << " " << p.second ;



Hi reader! got any queries or need more explanation for something? Feel free to comment below.


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