Hackerrank solutions

All Hackerrank's questions solutions links:

1. problem solving

Solve Me First, Simple Array Sum, Compare the Triplets 

A Very Big Sum, Diagonal Difference, Plus Minus

Staircase, Mini-Max Sum, Birthday Cake Candles 

Time Conversion, Grading Students, Apple and Orange

Number Line Jumps, Breaking the Records, Sub-array Division

Divisible Sum Pairs, Migratory Birds, Day of the Programmer 

Bill Division, Sales by Match, Drawing Book 

Counting Valleys, Electronics Shop, Cats and a Mouse

Picking Numbers, The Hurdle Race, Designer PDF Viewer 

Utopian Tree, Angry Professor, Beautiful Days at the Movies

Viral Advertising, Save the Prisoner!, Circular Array Rotation 

Sequence Equation, Jumping on the Clouds: Revisited, Find Digits

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Congratulations on your 4th star!!!!

( more solutions coming soon... )
