All about deque STL in c++ for competitive programming( initialization, traversal and methods/functions ) :

deque STL

Important Points:

  1. It is a sequence container with dynamic size that can be expanded or contracted on both ends.
  2. deque is also known as double-ended queue.
  3. It is same as the double-ended queue in c but with a huge advantage of availability of direct functions/methods for many operations.
  4. Remember to use the header file #include<deque> before using deque STL.

deque vs other sequence containers:

  • deque is similar to vector STL on the basis of functionality and interface and can be used for similar purposes but both are having different internal structures. 
  • deque provides efficient insertion of the element at the beginning or at the end and performs worse in insertion and removal of elements at the remaining positions.

deque vs queue:

  • In queue insertion takes place from one end and removal takes place at the other end while in deque insertion/removal can be done from any end.
  • We can use iterators with deque but not with queue.



Different ways to initialize a deque STL

1. declaring a deque and using push_front( ) method to put elements into it from front :  

    deque < int > dq ;
    dq.push_front( 10 ) ;
dq.push_front( 20 ) ;
    dq.push_front( 30 ) ;
    dq = { 30, 20, 10 }
2. declaring a deque and using push_back( ) method to put elements into it from back :  

    deque < int > dq ;
    dq.push_back( 10 ) ;
dq.push_back( 20 ) ;
    dq.push_back( 30 ) ;
    dq = { 10, 20, 30 } 
3. declaring a deque and using assign( ) method to put elements into it :  

    deque < int > dq ;
assign( { 10, 20, 30 } ) ;
    dq = { 10, 20, 30 } 
4. Initializing like arrays:
    deque < int > dq = { 10, 20, 30 } ;
    dq = { 10, 20, 30 }
5. filling a deque with the same specified element :
Suppose we want a deque of size 3 and it's every element is 10
    deque < int > dq ( 3, 10 ) ; 
    deque < int > dq;
    dq.assign( 3, 10 ) ; 
    dq = { 10, 10, 10 }
6. Initializing from another deque:
    deque < int > dq1 ={ 10, 20, 30 } ;
    deque < int > dq ( dq1.begin( ), dq1.end( ) ) ;
    dq = { 10, 20, 30 }
8. Using other containers :
    using vector STL, let the vector be v

    deque < int > dq( v.begin( ), v.end( ) ) ;
    using set STL, let the set be s

    deque < int > dq( s.begin( ), s.end( ) ) ;
Similary, you can initialize it using other containers, if possible.
**don't worry about the methods / functions used above, i am going to explain each and every function associated with deque STL below.


All deque STL methods/ functions  

1. deque STL important iterator functions:

Iterator definition: An iterator is something which helps in moving within the container. It points to a specific element and it moves according to our commands from one element to another.
1. begin( ) : returns an iterator pointing to the first element of the deque.
2. end( )returns an iterator pointing to the theoretical element after the last element of the deque.

Other functions:
  •     rbegin( )
  •     cbegin( )
  •     crbegin( )
  •     rend( )
  •     cend( )
  •     crend( )

2. deque STL  important capacity related functions:

1. size( ) : returns the number of elements in the deque.

2. empty( ) : returns true if the container is empty otherwise, false.

Other functions:
  •     max_size( )
  •     shrink_to_fit( )

3. deque STL important element access functions:

1. front( ) : returns the first element of the deque.

2. back( ) : returns the last element of the deque
3. at( ) : returns the element at the specified position in the parenthesis.
2. [ ] : returns the element at the specified position in the square brackets. 

4. deque STL important modifying functions or modifiers:

1. push_back( ) or emplace_back( ) : used to put elements into a deque from back.
2. push_front( ) or emplace_front( ) : used to put elements into a deque from front.
3. insert( ) or emplace( )used to insert a new element into the deque at the specified position (using iterators).

4. pop_back( ) : removes the last element of the deque.
5. pop_front( )removes the first element of the deque.

6. clear( ) : used to remove all elements from the deque container.
7. swap( ) : used to exchange the content of two deque containers of same type (size may differ).
8. erase( ) : used to remove a single element or a list of elements from the deque. 

9. assign( ) : assigns new elements to the deque, replacing its current elements (if exists) and modifying its size accordingly.
10. resize( ) : resizes the container to the number specified in the parenthesis.

emplace( ) vs insert( ) which to use?
  • emplace() avoids unnecessary copy of objects.
  • for primitive data types it does not matter which one to use but for objects or bigger objects use emplace() for efficiency.
  • unlike insert(), no copy or move operation are performed in emplace().


 all deque STL important functions with example

1. Initializing deque : deque< int > dq ;
2. Putting elements into it : 
     dq.push_back( 10 ) ;
     dq.push_back( 30 ) ; 
     dq.push_back( 20 ) ;  
     dq = { 10, 30, 20 } 
3. cout << dq.size( ) ;               // 3
4. cout << dq.front( ) ;               //10
5. cout << dq.back( ) ;               // 20 
6. cout << dq[ 2 ] ;               // 30 
7. cout << 2 ) ;               // 30   
8. Checking whether deque is empty or not :
    if( dq.empty( ) = = false )
    cout << "not empty" ;     //it will be printed
    cout << "empty" ;
9. dq.pop_back( ) ;  
     // last element removed i.e 20
10. dq.pop_front( ) ;  
    // first element removed i.e 10
       dq = { 30 } 
11. dq.assign( { 1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 3 } ) ;
       dq = { 1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 3 }
12. dq.insert( dq.begin( ), 10 ) ; 
      dq.emplace( dq.begin( ), 10 ) ;  
      // 10 is inserted at front 
13. //setting up an iterator named it
      deque < int > : : iterator it ;    
      it = dq.begin( ) ;
      //iterator now pointing to the first element
      cout << *it ;       // 1
14. dq.erase( it )      // 1 is removed

15. dq.clear( )      // all elements are removed from the list

deque STL traversal methods

Let our deque be dq :
deque < int > dq ;
1. for ( auto &i : dq )
          cout << i << " "; 

2. for ( auto i = dq.begin( ) ; i ! = dq.end( ) ; i++)
         cout << *i << " " ;
3. declaring an iterator it :
    deque < int > : : it ;
    for ( it = dq.begin( ) ; it!=dq.end( ) ; it++)
         cout << *it << " " ;



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