How learning STL in c++ can help you code faster , shorter and simple?
All you need to know about C++ STL is here! After you have finished c++ basics and wondering what to do next then the best choice from my point of view is to start learning c++ STL . Are you tired of writing big codes and just want to use functions directly like you use to do in strings in c ? Along with a STL you also get many direct functions. Using STL for different data storage containers or data structures like arrays, stacks, queues, lists (both singly linked list and doubly linked list) etc, you do not have to write big and lengthy codes for creating them, inserting elements into them and a whole lot number of other operations. STLs are also really really helpful in competitive programming . NOTE : Prior to doing STL, you should learn about templates in c++ which comes under objective c++. But since you have to use direct functions, that's why not that much deep knowledge is required. If you can remember the syntax of a given function, that's fine also. What is STL (...